Thursday 6 October 2016

Looking back over 50 Gold Award ceremonies...

Celebrating such a fantastic milestone this evening has given us a brilliant opportunity look back on all the amazing ceremonies we have had over 8 years at Sheffield CU. We are so proud to have welcomed over 6,500 children and young people who have taken part in at least 100 hours of out of school learning to receive their awards at both the Town Hall and the two Universities.

We are thrilled to be hosting our Gold Gold ceremony at the Diamond building and can't wait to welcome our new batch of award winners tonight, who are just as special as those that joined us for our very first ceremony back in 2009. At this ceremony, there were 70 children from 5 schools who attended. Now, we have nearly 1500 primary children, and over 400 secondary and Passport to Learning children and young people receiving their Gold Awards each year!

As always, we couldn't do it alone and want to say a HUGE thank you to all our schools, Learning Destinations, the Universities, Town Hall team and all the children and families who have joined us celebrate their achievements and who support our work every day. A very special thanks also to Penny Rea and Anita de Brouwer who championed CU in our city and along with Katie, hosted that first ceremony all those years ago. Here's to the next 50!

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