You can find the newsletter here:
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting Government guidance, some of our Learning Destinations are not running as they normally would. However, many are delivering their activities in a different way, using platforms such as Zoom and Youtube which is great to see! Please do check with them directly about this as CU credits can still be earned by taking part in these activities (as normal, or virtually) and Learning Destinations will be sending us registers as usual. You can find a full list of all our Learning Destinations in the newsletter.
There are also links to our very own Sheffield CU home learning challenges! If you would like to take part in any of the challenges, we have collated details on them all into the newsletter. There is currently no time limit, and no order in which to do these so feel free to pick and chose as you like!
With the libraries closed, we know its difficult to get a Sheffield CU Passport to Learning at the moment. We are really pleased to announce that you can now order these online from us directly!
Please click here and make sure you provide all details:
Please click here and make sure you provide all details:
Passports will cost £4.50 (incl. postage). Due to restricted access to our offices at the moment, we will post these out as soon we have access, but please do bear with us as there is likely to be a delay!