Any school, or Learning Destination will tell you that being part of CU and being celebrated and rewarded for taking part in out of school activities makes a difference.
Here in Sheffield, we do lots of work looking at the impact of participation in these activities, through lots of data analysis, but also through case studies and evidence collected from schools, providers, parents and the children themselves. With over 35,000 children and young people in our city with CU credits, we have a lot of information to work with!
This builds on our previous report and includes in-depth analysis of the impact of participation in CU activities on attainment and attendance, and progress measures, as well as anecdotal evidence of impact through a number of case studies from individual children and families. For the first time, this report includes a detailed look at prior attainment as well as examining the impact on Pupil Premium, SEN and the most deprived (IDACI) children and young people in the city. It also includes analysis of progression routes for post 16 students which were introduced last year.
To view the full report, please HERE!