We are thrilled to announce that the CU Festival of Fun which features FREE activities right across the city delivered in the run up to and at the start of the summer holidays is BACK, and BIGGER and BETTER than ever!
There are over 40 activities planned for the summer festival including a treasure hunt at Sheffield Hallam University, outdoor theatre, roller hockey, dance, arts and crafts, circus skills, music, fire station visits, martial arts, climbing, gaming and performing arts and much more! Activities and taster sessions are for reception age children upwards, and some are aimed at families taking part together, as well as some activities that are specifically designed for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and are delivered by specially training staff.
The activities will be FREE to Sheffield children who have a CU Passport to Learning. Not got yours yet? Don’t panic – you can buy one from Sheffield libraries for just £3.50 each for Festival of Fun and then use it at Learning Destinations across the city moving forward!
Many of the activities require booking in advance so families will need to contact the Learning Destinations directly, using the details on the leaflet. However, to give everyone a fair chance, booking will OPEN ON 15th JULY and no bookings will be taken before this date.
Please see the full programme for booking information for all activities. Leaflets outlining the full list of activities have also been sent to schools, Learning Destinations and other partners this week, but do feel free to share this widely if you can. The leaflet can also be found by following this link:
http://tinyurl.com/CUFestivalofFun2019 You can also you find us on Facebook:
www.facebook.com/sheffieldcu and follow us on Twitter:
www.twitter.com/SheffieldCU for all the latest Festival of Fun updates too!