Monday, 26 October 2015

Celebrate - Our 40th Gold Award Ceremony!

On the 14th October we worked in partnership with the Outreach at team at the University of Sheffield to host our 40th Gold Award Ceremony at Firth Hall, and it was our BIGGEST one yet! Over 200 young people from 4 secondary schools, and 89 primary and secondary students who have been collecting credits with their Passport to Learning at Learning Destinations across the city were invited to receive Gold awards for choosing to take part in over 100 hours of out of school activity.

Concord All Stars start the ceremony off with a real bang creating fantastic music using only dustbins!
The audience celebrate our award winners with a big round of applause!
Students from Firth Park Academy receive their Gold awards

There were fantastic speeches from Professor Zoe Ollerenshaw Senior Lecturer from the University of Sheffield, Sam Martin Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning, Skills and Communities, and Student Union Activities Officer Annie Gainsborough. We also had some spectacular performances from Concord All Stars, Sheffield Music Hub's Senior Flute Choir, and Sheffield Sea Cadets.
Sheffield Music Hub's Flute Choir perform to a full house at Firth Hall!
Children and young people who have been collecting credits using their Passport to Learning receive their awards
We also made a very special presentation to two of our fantastic award winners, who both managed to clock up a staggering 1000 hours of out of school activities to earn them our top award, the Gold Fellowship. Both students were presented with their CU certificates, and a special gift from the University of Sheffield.

Our Gold Fellowship award winners who have both taken part in 1000 hours of out of school activities
Students from Yewlands Academy receive their Gold awards
Sheffield Sea Cadets round off the ceremony with a brilliant performance
HUGE congratulations to our fantastic award winners, their parents/carers and school staff. We are so very very proud of all of you! A very special thanks to the University of Sheffield for hosting the event and to the Student Ambassadors who provided invaluable support during the ceremony.
Visit our Facebook page to view all the photos from the ceremony:

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Planning your October half term fun?

There are some spooky happenings all across Sheffield this October half term - have you planned your holiday fun yet?

The October Children's University Passport to Learning newsletter which includes details of activities across Sheffield happening during the October half term is now available! Click HERE or the link on the side of these page to start planning now!

Children and young people who take along a Passport to Learning will be able to earn additional CU credits at these activities. There's also a list and contact details of our validated Learning Destinations.

During October 2015, there will be a number of FREE CU LIVE! activities as part of the Off the Shelf Festival taking place in the Winter Garden. Please see the newsletter for more details!